Home Remedies When There’s Blood In Your Cat’s Stool

Home Remedies When There's Blood In Your Cat's Stool

The presence of blood in cat stool but still acting normal can surely be alarming. But don’t panic just yet. If your cat is still acting normal, this may be a sign of a gastrointestinal issue, which your vet can treat easily. If you’re concerned, however, there are a few remedies you can do at home to help alleviate the problem. Read on to learn more!


Home Remedies For Blood In Your Cat’s Stool

If there’s blood in cat stool but acting normal, here are a few things you can try to help relieve the bleeding:

#1 Add more fiber to their diet

It’s possible that the blood in your cat’s stool is due to a diet that’s low in fiber. This is common among cats that eat dry food alone. To ensure that your cat gets enough fiber in their daily diet, feed them various fresh meat and vegetables. You could also try sprinkling some dietary fiber onto their food. Doing this will help promote regular bowel movements in your cat and prevent constipation and bloody stools in the future.

#2 Give them probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. They’re also known as “good bacteria” because they can help maintain your pet’s overall health by keeping harmful bacteria at bay. Some pet products contain probiotics, but you can also give your pet probiotic supplements to help them stay healthy. You can also feed your cat fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kimchi. These foods provide beneficial bacteria and extra nutrients to help prevent and treat digestive issues.

#3 Supplement their diet with omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain a healthy digestive tract and improve overall immunity. Look for pet foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids to help treat and prevent your pet’s digestive system from having problems. Certain types of fish (salmon, tuna, sardines) are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Try feeding your pet one of these meats once or twice a week to improve their health.

#4 Change their food

The best cat food is grain-free food that contains meat, vegetables, and a healthy amount of protein per serving. When choosing the best food for your pet, avoid foods that have sugar or sodium, as they contain toxins that can damage your pet’s health. Also, avoid processed and canned foods, which can cause health problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. Instead of purchasing ready-made food, you can also cook your own meals for your cat. This will also help you keep an eye on the amount of fat and sugar they are consuming.

#5 Give them plenty of water

Cats need a lot of water to stay healthy and avoid constipation and loose stools. Not providing them with enough water can lead to digestive problems like diarrhea or constipation. Make sure your cat has access to clean, fresh water at all times, and encourage them to drink by placing a bowl of water in their cage or bed. 


Tips to Prevent Bloody Cat Stool

Home Remedies When There's Blood In Your Cat's Stool

Aside from making changes to your cat’s diet, here are a few other tips to keep your pet’s gastrointestinal system functioning smoothly:

Keep the litter box clean

One of the most common causes of bloody cat stools is inadequate waste removal from the litter box. To help ensure that your cat has a clean bathroom environment, it’s recommended that you change out the box at least once per day and thoroughly clean it at least once a week. Additionally, you should scrub the outside of the box with a sponge to remove any debris trapped on the surface.

Let them rest

As with humans, cats need to rest after consuming a meal in order to prevent painful stomach cramps. They also shouldn’t engage in vigorous exercise for at least four hours after eating. In addition, you may want to restrict their access to treats and table scraps after they have eaten their regular meal to help prevent an upset stomach.

Manage their stress

Stress can cause a wide range of symptoms in cats. In some cases, the stress may result in a bloated stomach that can trigger nausea or vomiting. It can also cause them to overeat or refuse to eat at all. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help keep your cat calm and relaxed.

For instance, you should maintain a consistent daily routine and give them plenty of love and affection throughout the day. You should also avoid changing their food schedule as this can make them more anxious. Finally, it’s a good idea to provide them with a quiet space where they can relax away from the noise and activity of your household.


Seek veterinary help

There is a wide range of possible causes for bloody cat stool. While most cases are relatively minor, others may indicate a more serious medical condition requiring prompt treatment. If there’s blood in cat stool but acting normal, it’s still a good idea to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

The vet will perform a thorough physical exam and examine a sample of your cat’s stool under a microscope to identify the problem’s underlying cause. They may also perform additional tests to check for infections or other health problems. If necessary, they will recommend an appropriate course of treatment to restore your cat to good health. 

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