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Pet Parvo
Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can affect a dog’s heart or gastrointestinal tract, depending on the form. The virus is resistant to heat, cold, humidity, and can survive in the environment for long periods of time. The disease can be transmitted from one dog to another, or indirectly from the environment. Navigate through this site to learn more about Parvo, the signs and symptoms of the disease, how to treat the virus, and how to prevent the virus.
Signs & Symptoms
Click here to read about the signs and symptoms of Parvovirus that can occur in puppies and adult dogs.
There are several different methods used to treat Parvo in dogs. Learn about treatment methods at home vs treatment methods at the vet.
Learn about the different steps you can take to prevent your dog from contracting Canine Parvovirus.

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